For some odd reason, we have an endless--certainly unhealthy on many levels--fascination with one particularly obscure aspect of contemporary culture: Lovecraftian culinary arts. To the uninitiated, the idea seems so absurd and outlandish it is hard to fathom. However, below is proof positive that this dark and blasphemous art not only exists but is thriving among a growing community of deranged gastronomists.

In fact, the diabolical field of Lovecraftian culinary arts is so vast, we don't dare attempt to address it in its entirety in one article. Today we will hone our intellectual palette on only one facet of this onyx jewel in the vast diaspora of sinister mastication: Cthulhu Cakes

Take this masterpiece by Darcy LeClaire:

What does this say about contemporary culture? What would the ideal Cthulhu cake taste like? Are Jane Austen fans jealous they don't have an iconic figure of doom with which they can conjure forth in an act of confectionery heresy?

And most importantly, are these cakes a lie? Judging from this gallery, I think we can safely presume the situation is far more dire.

Here are a few more specimens we have located in the wild. Don't get any crazy ideas now.

by Mad City Cakes

by Melissa O

by ackblom12

by Mike Pictor

by Cryptonaut

Creator unknown

by Horror Clix

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