One of the premier Weird artists of our time, Paul Carrick, has recently announced his desire to participate in a unique fund raising event. Using Ebay, he is offering a painting based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft up for bid--the proceeds of which will go to help the Global Giving Emergency Earthquake Relief for Haiti. The winner of the bid will get to design the image from scratch, which Mr. Carrick will then create as an original painting.
Surely helping Haitians has never been this Lovecraftian.
However, this does present a peculiar moral quandary, which we presented to Mr. Carrick:
LNN: What are the ethics of using the likeness of fictional apocalyptic monstrosities to raise funds to support recovery from a calamity which, according to some contemporary cultists, was the direct result of a "real" apocalyptic monstrosity?
Carrick:To answer your question, the connection between the fantasy and reality didn't escape me. These things cross my mind often when destructive things like this happen in the world. But, when I thought about what would give me the best chance for a fund raising contribution, doing what I do best simply made the most sense... it is what will ultimately be the most help for those in need. Do people read less Lovecraft during trying times? I wonder if it is quite the opposite, as there seems to be more disaster films recently, despite the wars in the Middle East and threats of global warming. I think, for some, it serves a purpose (a catharsis, perhaps?) as long as it is not making light of the misfortune. It will ultimately be up to the winning bidder... be it Azathoth or a fuzzy and less apocalyptic Zoog from the dreamlands.
About the artist:
Paul Carrick has created imaginative illustrations for publishers since 1993, they have appeared in role playing games, collectible card games, children's books, t-shirts, tattoos, limited resin statues, CD and LP artwork, posters… you name it, even funerary items (yes, you read that correctly!). Paul earned his BFA in illustration from the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, Rhode Island. The universe of H.P. Lovecraft has continued to be a favorite and enormous source of inspiration as the years go by. In 2007, Paul's work was hung next to the work of H.R. Giger at the Maison D'Ailleurs in Yverdon-Les'Bains, Switzerland for a museum exhibition on Lovecraft inspired artwork. Online gallery/site: Blog:, resume
Official Press Release:
I would like to help out the victims of the Haiti earthquake, as an artist this seemed to be my best option…
This auction is for a yet-to-be original painting, and the subject matter is your choice from Lovecraft's universe! You can pick a character, scene, monster, god or location from one of his stories, and I will create you a painting based on your preference. 100% of the highest bid will be donated to Globalgiving's Haiti earthquake relief fund: The image may later be used for an art print or poster, if it is, the winning bidder will also receive a signed & personalized copy.
Need suggestions? Cthulhu, Deep One, Elder Things, Ghouls, Great Race, Hastur, Mi-Go, Night-Gaunts, Nyarlathotep, Shoggoths, Shub Niggurath, Great race of Yith, Flying Polyp, Cthonian, Dholes, Gug, The Thing on the Doorstep… or a location in the Dreamlands? I'm happy to discuss the possibilities! I have seven pages of my gallery dedicated to Lovecraft, it might help spark your imagination:
The size of the painting will start at 8x10" and will be greyscale (black and white with shades of grey, much like many of my illustrations), it would include the subject and a background. The size and complexity of the image will be proportionate to the winning bid, in a similar fashion to a private or publisher's commission. As the price increases so will the level of detail, size, addition of color, more figures, etc. I don't want to limit your imagination with too many constraints, so if you wanted more size and less color, or less size and more detail, etc., I am happy to accommodate.
See the auction site here:
Learn more about Paul Carrick at his site here:
One comment
Comment by Anonymous on February 26, 2010 at 12:49 AM
Survival group against God?? LOL. Good luck with that. Truth is, no one knows the exact time this will happen except the man upstairs, however, I firmly believe that there are people placed here by God that post the warning signs and it's up to you to take heed.
]apocalypse 2012
[/url] - some truth about 2012
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